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"I see the checks when they come in the mailbox, and I thank all my patrons very much.... they should probably stop buying my records for a while so I can go on a diet."
(Frank Black - BBC Interview.)




Contact Us

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Why might you do that?

  • To report a spelling error or bad link
  • To update us on tour appearances
  • To send us some info on the band
  • To send us a link of a picture or audio or video link
  • To suggest some tab or something else to do with the music
  • To tell us how much you like this site!

Just fill out the form below and most likely one of us will get back to you pretty soon!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is NOT a direct link to Frank Black or his management!! Non-website-related questions are not likely to be answered. If you have a question relating to Frank, the band, shows, or almost anything not directly to do with the website, please post a message on the Frank Black Forum or contact Spinart - thanks!

= Contact the Staff and Management of =


* and yes, i read the above IMPORTANT NOTE!